Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan



Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan



Vision and Mission

Vision of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

To become a World-Class Islamic Educational Institution in the Field of Education and Teaching Based on Iman and Takwa by 2041

"“To be World Class Islamic Faculty Based on Iman and Takwa”"

Mission of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

  1. Implementing quality services and optimizing performance for the academic community, both internally and externally, to foster a conducive academic atmosphere and culture;

  2. Organizing education oriented towards a higher education curriculum and local wisdom based on iman and taqwa;

  3. Carrying out research in the field of renewable and effective education based on science and technology, and IMTAQ;

  4. Engaging in community service as a manifestation of the results of research based on science and technology, and IMTAQ;

  5. Establishing collaboration with various institutions at the national and international levels;

  6. Improving the quality of facilities, infrastructure, and finances;

  7. Conducting Islamic da'wah in the field of education


Kampus Universitas Islam Riau
Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution 113, Pekanbaru 28284

Telepon :  +62 821-7332-1100
Email : edufac.fkip@uir.ac.id

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