The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education has implemented the 2020 Industrial Era 4.0 Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) since 2021.
In the teaching and learning process, FKIP applies the concept of Student-Centered Learning (SCL), as well as Problem-Based Learning (PBL). The approach involves updating, ensuring easy access for students, increasing the availability of textbooks, handouts, and course modules published by lecturers to support the achievement of graduate competencies required by the national, regional, and international job markets. It is also important to integrate stakeholder needs into courses to achieve the graduate competencies required by stakeholders.
In addition, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education’s curriculum is developed in line with Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 3 of 2020, which addresses national standards for higher education and allows for Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). This fosters stronger connections between higher education graduates and the business and industrial sectors, preparing them for a rapidly changing future.
The MBKM-compliant curriculum offers students the chance to participate in a variety of activities, gain broader learning experiences, and develop new skills outside of the study program. FKIP's ultimate goal is to produce graduates well-equipped to navigate the increasingly complex challenges of life in the 21st century.