Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education

English Language Education

Universitas Islam Riau


The English Education Study Program (hereinafter stated as PSPBI) was established on May 22, 1986 with registered status in the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0387/0/1986. PSPBI is under the organization of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (hereinafter referred to as FKIP) which has been established since 1982. First, a team was formed and a feasibility study was conducted, followed by the preparation of a proposal. This activity was organized based on the Rector’s Decree Number 11/UIR/Kpts/82 dated March 25, 1982. This first period of effort took about one month. Second, at the end of April 1982, the proposal was sent to the Kopertis Region I in Medan. About one month after sending the proposal, Kopertis Region I Medan issued the Operational License Decree Number 013/PD/Kop. I/82, dated June 5, 1982. In this second period, the Riau Regional YPLI Board appointed Dr. M. Diah Zainuddin, M.Ed. as the acting Dean and Drs. Abu Bakar Rambah as the faculty secretary. Then proceed with the admission of the first students as many as 86 people. Third, after about two years of holding lectures, the Ministry of P and K RI issued a decree for the D3 English language education study program with registered status through the Decree of the Minister of P and K RI Number 085/0/1984, dated March 5, 1984. Universitas Islam Riau (hereinafter stated as UIR) as the highest institution in charge of PSPBI has been initiated since 1982. PSPBI is an organization that has just begun to grow and develop under a parent organization that is ready to compete in the international arena, so PSPBI needs to spur itself to be able to accelerate moving in line with its parent organization. PSPBI has a vision and mission that includes the tridharma of higher education, but requires a gradual period of time to realize its vision which is in line with UIR’s vision.

The implementation of PSPBI complies with the UIR Statute and UIR Organization and Work Procedures (OTK). Quality assurance of PSPBI management including the teaching and learning process is supported by the Academic Quality Assurance System led by the Central Quality Assurance Agency (LP2KM) at the university level, the Quality Assurance Technical Implementation Unit (UPT PM) at the faculty level and the Quality Control Group (GKM) at the department level. The PSPBI organization is led by a Head of Study Program (hereinafter referred to as Kaprodi) who in carrying out internal management is assisted by a Secretary of Study Program (hereinafter referred to as Sekprodi). Kaprodi is responsible for the management of the study program and has the task of planning, organizing, and supervising the management of the study program. The implementation of PSPBI management administration is supported by educational staff who are members of academic or recording affairs led by a head of academic affairs of the study program. During the teaching and learning process, the Head of Study Program is assisted by the Head of Expertise Lecturer Group (hereinafter referred to as KKDK) to coordinate learning and research in cognate concentrations, and assisted by the Head of Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as Kalab) to manage laboratories and practicums. Kaprodi, Sekprodi, KKDK, and Kalab are democratically elected in the plenary meeting of the study program based on leadership ability and expertise. The elected structural officials are then determined by the Chancellor’s Decree.


Becoming a World Class Islamic Study Program in the Field of English Language Education Based on Mastery of Science and Technology (IPTEK) and Iman Taqwa (IMTAQ) in 2041.”


English Language Education Study Program undergoes curriculum development that aligns with the advancements in higher education curriculum. Between 2013 and 2018, the English Education Study Program implemented the Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) focused on ensuring quality equality (CP) in accordance with Decree Law No. 12/2012, Presidential Regulation 08/2012, Permendikbud No. 73/2014, and Permendikbud No. 49/2014, comprising MK and MKP.

Based on the needs, inspiration, and logical consequences of all parties, the English Education Study Program carries out continuous changes for the better, one of which is the reconstruction of competencies and scientific bases in the curriculum of the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Riau Islamic University. Furthermore, the Indonesian National Qualification Curriculum (KKNI) has been produced in the industrial era 4.0 to support Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) and the process of preparing this curriculum is based on the Guidelines for Preparing the Higher Education Curriculum, Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education in 2020.