Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education

Universitas Islam Riau

FKIP Facilities

Not only scientific facilities, but various campus facilities at Universitas Islam Riau also support students to get the best learning experience during their studies. We firmly believe that quality education is enhanced by instilling a sense of security and comfort, which is represented in the facilities and infrastructure, both in faculty buildings and other public facilities. “UIR has several supporting facilities that can be used by the academic community and the public”

Building A Facilities

UIR has several supporting facilities that can be utilized by both the academic community and the surrounding community so that the benefits of UIR’s presence can be felt, especially in Pekanbaru.

  1. Study Program Reading Room
  2. Practicum Room
  3. Laboratory Room
  4. Co-working Space with WiFi Hotspot
  5. Printing Area
  6. Coffee Room
  7. PGSD Laboratory
  8. Biology Laboratory
  9. Mathematics Laboratory
  10. Hall
  11. Mushola/Prayer Room
  12. Gazebo

Building B Facilities

In order to support student study activities in the learning process, Universitas Islam Riau also provides facilities that can accommodate all student creative development at Universitas Islam Riau.

  1. Study Program Reading Room
  2. Praticum Room
  3. Laboratory Room
  4. Co-working Space with Wifi Hotspot
  5. Printing Area
  6. Coffee Room
  7. Mushola/Prayer Room
  8. Gazebo

Building C Facilities

To support students’ physical-related academic activities and support sports activities within the Universitas Islam Riau. Various venues have been constructed by UIR in collaboration with the relevant government. Several venues were established with the aim of enhancing the overall teaching and learning experience.

  1. Study Program Reading Room
  2. Praticum Room
  3. Laboratory Room
  4. Coworking Space with Wifi Hotspot
  5. Printing Area
  6. Coffee Room
  7. Mushola/Prayer Room
  8. Gazebo
  9. Zaini Kunin Hall

Building E Facilities

To support students’ study activities and facilitate creative development during the learning process, Universitas Islam Riau provides facilities designed to accommodate all aspects of student creativity at the university.

  1. Study Program Reading Room
  2. Praticum Room
  3. Laboratory Room
  4. Coworking Space with Wifi Hotspot
  5. Printing Area
  6. Coffee Room
  7. Mushola/Prayer Room
  8. Language Laboratory
  9. Physical, Health, and Recreation Laboratory
  10. Art, Drama, Dance and Music Laboratory

Kampus Universitas Islam Riau
Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution 113, Pekanbaru 28284

Telepon :  +62 761 674674
Faks :   +62 761 674834
Email : info[at]uir.ac.id

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