Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education

Indonesian Language & Literature Education

Universitas Islam Riau


The Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University of Riau (PSPBSI FKIP UIR) was established on September 4, 1962, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No.1270/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/XII/2015. The Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Education first admitted students on July 1, 1986. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University of Riau (FKIP UIR), was founded based on the community’s desire (especially the community in the province of Riau) to actively participate in assisting the government in implementing development, particularly in the higher education sector – the field of educational science and teaching. This noble intention was eventually realized in a relatively short time through three periods of efforts undertaken by UIR and the Riau Regional Islamic Education Foundation (YPLI). The operational permit for FKIP was issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Coordinator of Private Higher Education Region 1 Medan, with Operational Permit Decree Number 013/PD/Kop. I/82, dated June 5, 1982. In the second period, the leadership council of YPLI Riau appointed Dr. M. Diah Zainuddin, M.Ed. as the acting dean and Drs. Abu Bakar Rambah as the faculty secretary. This was followed by the admission of the first batch of students, totaling 86. After about two years of conducting lectures, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia issued the decree of registered status through the Minister of Education and Culture Decree Number 085/0/1984, dated March 5, 1984.


To become a learning center that is oriented towards the study of Indonesian language and literature education with a technological and faith-based perspective in the year 2041.”