Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education

Performing Arts

Universitas Islam Riau


The FKIP UIR Performing Arts Education Study Program was founded in 1986, with permission from the Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education (Number: 0387/o/1986). The head of the study program at that time was Drs. Al-Azhar, serving for four years. Subsequently, leadership transitioned to H. Muslim, S.Kar, M.Sn for several periods. The Sendratasik Study Program was also led by Hj. Yahyar Erawati, S.Kar., M.Sn. Additionally, Dr. Nurmalinda, M.Pd., took charge before passing the leadership to Dewi Susanti, S.Sn., M.Sn. In the following period, erforming Arts Education Study Program was led by Evadila, S.Sn., M.Sn., and currently, until October 2025, the program is led by Idawati, S.Pd., M.A.

The establishment of the erforming Arts Education study program is oriented towards addressing the needs for art educators as one of the pillars in shaping the character of the nation. The excellence of the Performing Arts Education  program in the development of knowledge lies in the creation of models or strategies for artistic learning, maintaining integrity, and fostering cultured behavior, enabling individuals to live harmoniously in a diverse society. Additionally, another notable advantage can be observed in intellectual and expressive imagination. In other words, through art education, students are required to possess a sense of sensitivity, skills, and the ability to apply technology in their creative works.


To become an outstanding, adaptive, and world-class Performing Arts Education Study Program based on iman (faith) and taqwa (piety) by the year 2041.”


  1. Conducting high-quality, excellent, and highly competitive education and teaching in Performing Arts Education that is adaptive, iman (faith)-based, virtuous, patriotic, dedicated, and responsible.
  2. Undertaking internationally reputed research and development in science and technology based on iman (faith) and taqwa (piety).
  3. Engaging in community service related to Performing Arts Education with a foundation in iman (faith) and taqwa (piety).
  4. Enhancing the quality and quantity of services and contributions in the development of Performing Arts Education.