Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education

SKK Migas Visits UIR’s Migas Center

Universitas Islam Riau



SKK Migas Visits UIR’s Migas Center

The Migas Center at Universitas Islam Riau was visited by the Head of the HR Division of SKK Migas, Hudi Suryodipuro. The visit took place in the Shared Building, Migas Center Room on the 2nd floor of Universitas Islam Riau on Wednesday afternoon (20/7/2022).

The visit was attended by a delegation from SKK Migas, including the Head of the SKK Migas Sumbagut Representative, Rikky Rahmat Firdaus, and the Head of the SKK Migas Public Relations Department, Yanin Kholison, as well as KKKS (Contractor Contract Cooperation) in the Riau region, namely BOB and PT. BSP. From the Universitas Islam Riau, Vice Rector 1 Dr. H. Syafhendry, M.Si and Vice Rector 2 Dr. Firdaus AR, SE., MSi., AK .,CA were also attendance.

The event began with a speech from the Coordinator of the UIR Migas Center, Hj. Fitrianti, S.T., M.T., who is also a lecturer in the Petroleum Engineering Study Program at the UIR Faculty of Engineering. She expressed gratitude to SKK Migas Sumbagut Region and shared various achievements of UIR Migas to date.

“We thank SKK Migas for visiting the UIR Migas Center. We also express our gratitude to the UIR leadership for their unwavering support. SKK Migas Sumbagut and KKKS in the Riau region work together to achieve mutual progress. Many benefits have been obtained since the establishment of MC UIR. In accordance with its function, the MC serves as a center of education and information for both students and the general public. Over the past three years, SKK Migas and KKKS in Riau have developed a curriculum that has resulted in UIR students graduating and securing positions at several prominent oil and gas companies in Indonesia, one such example is Muhammad Fadly, an alumnus of the Migas Center Batch 1 members who passed BPS Pertamina in 2022. Other ROGC members have also been accepted at PHR and SKK Migas,” said Fitrianti.

Added by Fitri, the various achievements that have been made by students who are members of the MC UIR can stimulate the spirit and enthusiasm of other UIR students, who in this case also still need guidance and advice given by SKK Migas and also KKKS in the Riau region.

Vice Rector 1 Dr. H. Syafhendry, M.Si in his brief speech representing the Rector expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Migas Center and the SKK Migas delegation. Briefly in his speech, Syafhendry introduced UIR and told about the achievements that UIR has currently achieved and told that the Petroleum Engineering Study Program at UIR is one of the favorite study programs whose students come from various regions in Indonesia.

Hudi Suryodipuro expressed his admiration for the UIR Migas Center and was impressed by their warm welcome. He did not expect such enthusiasm from UIR and the UIR Migas Center.

“UIR as the only one in Riau that has a Petroleum Engineering Study Program can be a major contributor to the birth of Oil and Gas HR for SKK Migas, but indeed to get there we need more intense collaboration and synergy together, with the presence of the Migas Center in educational institutions in this case with universities, can serve as a stepping stone and a funnel for our students to play a role in the oil and gas industry,” said Hudi.

After the event, souvenirs in the form of books and plaques were presented by SKK Migas and PT Bumi Siak Pusako to Universitas Islam Riau. Finally, to conclude the event, the group was invited to tour the Migas Center facilities. During the tour, they were given a brief profile and shown various miniatures and models that explain the process of processing crude oil from upstream to downstream. The tour was guided by UIR students, Arie Minanda Putra and Fouja Ramadhanny Atmaja, who are also members of the Riau Oil and Gas Community (ROGC).

Author: Migas Center UIR
Editor: UIR Public Relations Team

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